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Accounting, bookkeeping and financial statements

Financial reports in a snapshot

To support a financially stable business reliable real-time reports are needed which include monthly deferrals. In addition to a traditional accounting software, we can carry out Your accounts in a completely digital environment, in which all documents can be entered to the same database regardless of the location and time. Similarly, all reports from the digital environment can be printed from anywhere in the world. 

We will provide you with bookkeeping services as well as additional services such as invoicing, accounts payable and receivable, payroll, payment transactions including payroll and payments of purchases and reference payments. 

In every accounting term (monthly or weekly deferred) we will provide all the reports you might need on paper or digitally, including general ledger, document diary, income statement, balance sheet, budget reports and graphic tables. 

We provide financial statements with modern methods and in a comprehensive format. 

Our clients can send and receive digital invoices as a part of our accounting software environment. The invoicing process can be implemented entirely digitally from sending the invoice to archiving and collection. Purchase invoices can be processed entirely digitally or with scanned paper invoices. The approval and payments of purchases can be done from the client’s own workstation across the internet.  

The program includes payroll too. 

Leading the way to your success
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